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Help with making an NPC change sandboxes

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I am working on a mod, I'm fairly new to FO modding. I have a NPC that I want to travel on his own to different sandbox locations based off the player completing portions of the main quest. IE when Preston and Co leave the Concord museum the NPC leaves his starting spot and meets them there in Sanctuary. Now that part works, its when I want him to leave there and travel to Sunshine Tidings after main quest 104 (left vault 114 with Nick) is completed. He won't leave Sanctuary unless I do something like a manual moveto player command.


Here is what I did.

Created the NPC, he is complete (enemy not a follower). He is fully functional and does his own thing like he should.


I made him his own santuary sandbox (copy rename and made changes) to the one used by Mama, Sturges etc, it auto triggers when MQ102 is complete and they walk to Sanctuary.


Next I copied and then modified that sandbox to target sunshine tidings, changed the mq 102 to mq 104 completion, put that in the NPC with the first one.


All in all I made 5 sand boxes, doing that. He doesn't want to leave the first location I send him to. I tried changing the first location to Wicked Shipping instead of Sanctuary, he showed up there but again would not leave for Sunshine Tidings.


I have a lot I would love to do with this mod but I am not very experienced at this time.


Thanks for any help

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