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How to add an option to an item within the pipboy?

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Hi there,

Anyone know the script function, or other route of adding options to highlighted items in the pipboy? Like how the scrapper perk adds the ability to tag stuff for highlighting? I'd like to create custom functionality to junk objects with a 'Macgyver' perk where you can craft traps and such on the fly, and the ability to repair/disassemble weapons on the fly.

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Anyone know anything about how to add options to a .swf menu when something is highlighted? Anyone familiar with menu scripting?


Also, for an item like the scavengers bench, in the workshop, how do I add an activation option? I would like to add some options and scripting to the scavengers bench where you can set them scavenge from certain locations near the settlement that have been cleared by the player. Each location with a unique set types and rates of salvage.

Edited by FatsackTony1
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So adding options to menus is complicated. You need to open up the menu file in JPEXS free flash decompiler, go to scripts, find the script for the pipboy menu page you're interested in, and find where they are declaring the different buttons, usually just under the top after it declares all the private variables and constants.


it will declare a new BSButtonHintData with the following parameters

BSButtonHintData(string displaytext, string PCbutton, string PlayStationbutton, string XBoxButton, int ???, function actiontoexecutefunction).

The buttons and the function for param6 are the intersting bits, the normal SelectItem function is the usual function called for like playing holotapes and such. This refers to a BGSExternalInterface class with a call function (BGSExternalInterface.call) with some parameters the first of which is BGSobj which is I think a sort of bridge between the .swf menu objects and the in game/papyrus objects, but I'm not sure on how to get a function from the .swf side to the papyrus side, and would really appreciate anyones insight into this.

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