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Mod requests for controller issues related to split-screen


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Okay so I actually have two requests for mods specifically tailored to work with the Split Screen mod. I've been able to use Split Screen along with a program called WinSplit Revolution to achieve a really solid split screen configuration. There are just a few annoying issues which I would like to fix but I don't know how.


Firstly, because the menus seem to rely on the mouse cursor to function, we run into an issue where we cannot both use our inventory/menus at the same time since the mouse cursor is basically being split between the two instances of the game. What I need is a mod that can disable the mouse completely in the game and use only controller inputs to navigate menus.


The second issue I have is that since I have two 1920x1080 windows forced to take up half the screen, the aspect ratio is naturally going to be halved on the x axis. What this causes is any movement on the x axis (side to side) on the screen feels MUCH slower than movement on the y axis (up and down). I know that it's not actually slower, but it feels significantly slower and really odd when you go 90 degrees and suddenly you're hauling ass up or down the screen. So what I need is a mod that will only increase the player's walk speed on the x axis by something like 1.5 - 2 times speed so that the x speed will match the y speed in the stretched configuration.


I think the speed fix should be relatively easy. I don't know how to solve the issue with the shared mouse cursor though. I'd appreciate any help with this.

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