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I was going to try my hand at making a patch...


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So. I have "Cutting Room Floor" and "Misc Quests as Misc Quests." (I'll call the latter MQamQ)

LOOT says I should load CRF before MQaMQ, and that makes a certain sense, since the latter mod reclassifies quests while the former likely adds "new" quests and/or alters them in other ways.

But that load order results in a conflict for one quest, where MQaMQ effectively deletes stuff added/restored by CRF.

I thought a patch would be as simple as carrying over the information being redacted to a new esp via TES5Edit.

And honestly, it may still be that simple.

But I noticed these warnings in a couple of places, and I've never seen any such thing before (granted I'm a very green noob), and I was hoping someone could tell me what they mean. I am too ignorant to know if TSE5Edit added the warnings - to say something is wrong with the mod, or if the warnings are a part of things that happen when making mods and the author missed them...or what.

So here's a screen shot. What do the warnings I marked in the boxes mean?

Edited by Vashra1
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I've learned that the error is not in CFR - if I remove the "Misc Quests as Misc Quests" mod entirely, then TES5edit does not mark these cells in CRF as having any problems. Further digging around on the net has explained that sometimes with some things, when a later mod "blocks" some bit of goings on in a mod loaded earlier (as is the case here), it will effectively undo things other parts of the earlier mod would be looking for - creating this error. Load order swap may or may not fix it...further testing required.

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