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An issue with AWOP's Mk II weapons and Grunt/Cowboy damage increase


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So I've been going through checking the damage and overall balance of a lot my vanilla and modded NV weapons, doing things such as removing multiple ammo usage on energy weapons, fixing 308 and 556 damage, and other fixes. I got to checking A World of Pain's mark 2 weapons and I came across the Mark 2 Trail Carbine. I have this weapon ingame at the moment, and noticed that despite having 100 Guns skill and the Cowboy perk, it did less damage than its normal variant. I checked both of the weapons' statistics, finding that the Mark 2 did indeed have more base damage. I then reasoned that it may not have been on the Cowboy perk's formlist, so I checked that, and to the contrary it's on there.


So now I'm rather confused as to why this weapon isn't doing more damage than its normal variant, despite the skill and Cowboy perk and all that. Is there something about perks and modded weapons I'm missing here? Any tips?

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The type of ammo used (the "projectile") makes a big difference. An "impact script" (if any) is run before any Ammo Effects are applied, but after any Object Effects which are applied by the weapon itself. See the "Ammo" entry in the Community GECKWiki.


Also, you should look at any mods you have in your "load order" that touch on that weapon. If you aren't using a "merged/bash patch", then only the last such mod applies. Any previous mods in the load order get ignored: "rule of one".


If you are using such a merge or compatibility patch file, then look at it in FNVEdit and see which mod is "winning" the record level conflicts.



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