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Darth Revan Outfit


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Ok, so when Skyrim first came out I noticed a similarity between the magic spell, 'Sparks', and the well known force power from Star Wars, 'Force Lightning'. Now, modders have made a lightsaber mod so I was wondering if someone could make the robes Darth Revan wore in Kotor 1 or SWTOR. I have a few ideas of how it will be designed.

1. Robes and hood w/ mask (Hood and mask is separate from robes)

2. Hooded Robes w/ mask (All one item)

3. Same as option 1 but with a cape, if possible.

4. Same as option 2 but with a cape, again if possible.

If anyone is willing to do this I would greatly appreciate it.

Images for reference.

http://paganrites.files.wordpress.com/2011/06/revanwp.png SWTOR Version

http://old-republic.com/images/kotor_images/revan.jpg KOTOR Version


How It Would Be Implemented

My idea of how it would be implemented would be like this.

While exploring outside a town (Must be near a mountain) the player finds a body of a priest with a note on it saying something along the lines that the person has been sent to investigate a crypt up in a mountain because their cult (or whatever they call them) has detected a anomaly resonating from that area. After reading the note a quest will start named something like "Cleansing the Crypt" or something like that. As the player goes to the crypt inside he will find a huge amount of skeleton enemies until the player reaches the end of the crypt which will contain a single coffin. Inside it will be the body of Darth Revan wearing his robes. Once the player takes the robes the body will evaporate causing him to spawn as a ghost (Armor and all with dual lightsabers which will be Red and Purple for canon's sake) and attack the player. Once the player beats the Ghostly Revan the quest will finish and the player will be allowed to exit.


Possible Ideas

If it is possible while fighting Revan the song from SWTOR which plays while fighting him plays. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KO1UvovynMc

Since the mod will require the Lightsaber mod Lightsaber Mod It would be very cool that the body contain two sabers (Red and Purple) named Revan's Red/Purple Lightsaber be on the body with some kind of enchantment maybe that will make it unique (Please not Elemental Damage).

If possible it would be ideal that the robes would be enchanted to increase the damage of lightning spells and to decrease physical and magical damage by certain amount.


Concept for the Crypt

I visualize the crypt as sort of a circular colosseum-esqe room with statues of Revan with a single saber pointed down in two hands sort of like the on in the left of this picture http://www.bigbadtoystore.com/images/products/out/medium/SSC10773.jpg Also the coffin with Revan would contain be in the middle.


Thanks to anyone who wishes to carry my idea out.


Edited by Satin181
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