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How to detect when compass turns on and when in game beginning?

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Does anyone know how to detect whether or not the player is in the beginning of the game during the time that the compass is turned off?


Also, is there a way to detect when they leave that stage (and the compass is turned on)?

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It might even be shorter than that. Based on this: https://www.creationkit.com/fallout4/index.php?title=SetCharGenHUDMode_-_Game


I think the compass gets turned on when you leave your house, on the way to the vault.


I basically need a check at first load to determine if the user is in that state or not. And then I also need to trigger a function on the same quest when the player leaves that state.

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It might be very easy actually if the pre-war player home is one cell. Then I could do some kind of check to see if we are in that cell at init time and then also check for being out of that cell on cell change...


Do you know if that is one cell and maybe what it's called?

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Stage 400. So I could check to see if that quest has reached that stage? Or, would that not be an available check if someone were loading the mod for the first time mid game?


Is that house one cell?

Edited by dagobaking
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If by "one cell" you mean interior cell, no it's not. It is basically the same house in the post war game(the whole area replaces that world space). Go in the CK, and look for yourself. I loaded up a whole new game, did my process of elimination, and then checked extensively in that quest in the CK. Meet me halfway here. :D


That would be an available check for anything outside of those alternate start mods I'd think. That stage doesn't stick around long though as it sets the quest to another stage afterwards. So it's best to check if the stage is equal or greater than 400.


If you want to fine tune the approximation of your check, you can put a script on the door and listen for the number of times it has opened(compass appears shortly after the door is opened the second time). This approach isn't so good though for folks way past that.

Edited by Rasikko
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I came up with a solution that is not quite as precise as I would prefer. But, I think that it will work ok.


On game start-up, it checks to see which cell the player is in. If it is the pre-war neighborhood cell, it acts like the compass is not visible. If it is any other cell it assumes the compass is visible. A Bool flag is set if the game loads up in pre-war neighborhood.


Then, onCellLoad, if the flag is set to not visible, it checks to see if the player is still in the neighborhood cell. If they are not, then it switches the flag to off and sends a signal that the compass is visible.


The flaw here is that there is some time between the player house and entering the vault when no cell load occurs and the compass is visible. But, this will be a short time and will only affect users that dont use alt start mods.

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