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Retexture problem


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I'm using that tutorial (http://www.creationkit.com/Retexture_Tutorial) to retexture/create a new specie of monster for skyrim.

Well, the tutorial was created using the retexturization of a weapon as example, but, no problem, I used it to retexture a creature, and all works perfectly untill the moment when you need to use the Creation Kit, cause weapons and actors have some differences.

Following the tutorial I created a new actor (in tutorial the guy created a new weapon), but the difference is that the weapons have the option Art & Sound where we can change the texture, adding the new texture created on Nifskope. And the problem is: where is that option to actors? Cause I found the option sound, but not the art option. Can you help me?


Thanks my friends,


TSA Games

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When i retexture(only tired this on weapons) i open the DDS texture file in gimp\photoshop(with DDS plugin).

I Then edit and save the DDS with a different name.

I then set the model (the NIF file) to read texture from my new file using NIFSKOPE and save it with a new name.

I then set a new weapon in the CK with my new NIF file.


BDW in order to get the NIF\DDS files you will need a BSA extractor utility.

Hope i helped.

Edited by majistik
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