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I am still a bit hazy on the various body types and how certain things work within my preferred body type UNP. So, I had two questions that have come-up as I am working through my current mod list related to UNP.

I. BIJINs & UNP Female Body Renewal

With regard to BIJINs, I have been sticking with OLDRIM textures (deselecting or better yet making .esp optional so they do not install) coupled with WICO (Edited Version with ECE Female Head Meshes) and UNP Female Body Renewal which has worked fine for me to date. I was, however, reading an updated mod list on Nexus which added Optimized Body Meshes - UNP provided with BIJINs as follows (general condense list):

WICO SE (Edited)

WICO SE (Striped BSA for Default Settings)


Optimized Body Meshes - UNP (from BIJINs)

UNP Female Body Renewal

ECE Female Head Meshes (Edited)

So, I want to confirm rather than assume - Optimized Body Meshes - UNP (from BIJINs) is specifically for BIJIN Mods and will not be overwritten by or​ overwrite or​ interfere with overall UNP Female Body Renewal both for my female characters and/or female NPCs (followers, companions, or otherwise)? Or am I wrong (or going to get some conflicts or headaches)? In short, I am fine leaving things as they are... but, if BIJINs can be more as intended with Optimized Body Meshes - UNP (from BIJINs) without mucking things up I would prefer to have more optimized BIJINs.

II. Nydali Standalone Follower SSE (UNPB Body) with UNP Female Body Renewal


In my current mods list, I have no issues overall though I was considering Nydali Standalone Follower SSE (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/14698) to my current roster of NPCs for current mod build and upcoming new game play and noticed she has the following choices for body types (a) Nydali SSE - UNPB Body No Physics and (b) Nydali SSE - UNPB Body with Physics (HDT and XP32MSSE). ​While I do understand the static and physics options/choices, need for XP32MSE (V4.20) (e.g., choices of Static, BBP, HDT), but will UNPB work despite the overall being UNP Female Body Renewal as per the above list?

In terms of my current understand, I think UNPB is virtually I identical to UNP save the allowance for bigger breasts... as such I am guessing UNP fits within the range of UNPB and textures for UNPB will work for Cup Sizes in UNP (and then some because they are UNPB). Of course, I guess my point in writing is... is this correct?

Currently, I have CHARCTER FEATURES AND PHYSIQUE section with appropriate ApachiiSkyHairs, Immersive Wenches, WICO, BIJINs, eyes, scars, etc., ordered in said section with NPCs in another section of mod list which follows later in the installation order (LOOT sorts for Plug-Ins with personal adjustment as needed).

While my understanding is growing (enjoy learning new things), I am hoping to get some specific information and education from the experts. Thank-you, in advice, for taking the time to help me better understand some of the finer points and how things work and prevent headaches ahead of time,



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Nydali Standalone Follower SSE as lose files so it is easy to replace the UNPB body with a UNP body. The textures will fit.

The files that would need replacing would be in Meshes\actors\NydaliFollower\body

In the body folder replace femalebody_0.nif & femalebody_1.nif.


Basically UNP Female Body Renewal has loose files. You can copy these files to any follower that has loose files. If the follower is CBBE you will have to copy textures as well.


If you do not replace Nydali's files it is not really a big deal because if you put UNP clothing/armour on her, she will conform to UNP. If an armour/clothing is UNPB & you put it on your UNP character she will take on the characteristics of UNPB.

The only problem comes when you mismatch armour/clothing. The larger breasts of UNPB are not a problem. It is the larger hips & thighs.


BIJINs are loose files as well. I have replaces all the texture files to get a better look with the ENB I use.


In Skyrim LE I use CBBE, UNP, UNPB & 7Base. There is enough good custom races & stand alone armour conversions to do it.



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