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Ioun Stones


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I looked through an old book I have and something caught my eye, namely Ioun Stones. So I looked online and found a few references to them.


For all those that no not of what I speak, let me explain.


Ioun Stones

These crystalline stones always float in a circling orbit 1 foot from the users head. The owner may voluntarily seize and stow a stone (to keep it safe while they are sleeping, for example), but lose the benefits of the stone during that time.


Color/ Shape/Effect/Market Price


Clear /Spindle/ / Sustains creature without food or water/ 4,000 gp

Dusty rose/ Prism / +1 insight bonus to AC / 5,000 gp

Deep red /Sphere / +2 enhancement bonus to Dexterity / 8,000 gp

Incandescent blue/ Sphere / +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom / 8,000 gp

Pale blue /Rhomboid / +2 enhancement bonus to Strength / 8,000 gp

Pink /Rhomboid / +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution/ 8,000 gp

Pink and green/ Sphere / +2 enhancement bonus to Charisma / 8,000 gp

Scarlet and blue/ Sphere / +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence / 8,000 gp

Dark blue /Rhomboid / Alertness / 10,000 gp

Vibrant purple /Prism / Stores three of spells / 36,000 gp

Iridescent/ Spindle / Sustains creature without air / 18,000 gp

Pale lavender/ Ellipsoid / Absorbs spells / 20,000 gp

Pearly white /Spindle / Regenerate 1 point of damage per hour / 20,000 gp

Pale green /Prism / +1 bonus on attack rolls, saves, skills, and abilities/ 30,000 gp

Orange /Prism / +1 caster level / 30,000 gp

Lavender and green /Ellipsoid/ Absorbs spells of 8th level or lower2 / 40,000 gp


Ioun stones, originally called Congenio's pebbles, are magical items often manufactured by spellcasters.


When functioning, ioun stones float in a circular pattern around their bearer's head, and grant various benefits based on their color. Two stones of the same type will repel each other. When drained of power, a stone becomes a dull grey, but still possesses the characteristic floating.


I would love to see something like this as a MoD. The pics should give modders some visual references.

Edited by Jason_Mackinnon
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