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Computers Suck


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Well, to explain my recent disappearance again. My HD has been giving me some problems latetly, and a few weeks ago. My HD Failed, So I've lost all my recent works and such on any plugins.

So hopefully I can begin work on the Plugin I was working on before the failure. We'll have to see whats going on.

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zip disks blank cd's usb pen drives :) even backup hard drives


sorry to hear about the HD man i lost one to the junky viruse a long long time ago

and then to an idiot who walked with it in hand, barefoot across a sheep skin rug... backups are wonderfull :)

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HD?....oh right, thats what you...different people call a Hard Drive, yep, its good to see how fluent people are in the english language on these forums :wacko:




if your hard drive has been around for many years im sure itll croak it, my Pentium 3's hard drive croaked it last night...my dad was loading his bank statements in exel, and it failed on him...he blamed me for it, and here i am, not doing work because i dont have any.


but uhh, make sure the Hard Drive is plugged in to the correct motherboard slot, could be a power failiure, see if the hard drive works on other people's computers.

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