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Oldrim and .SWF mods/files


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Hello, I just installed my old Legendary Version of Skyrim in a new computer, and I'm working real hard on installing my beloved mods one by one. Sadly I noticed that mods like "Better Messagebox Control", "Better Dialogue Controls", "loot Menu" and others (all .SWF files in the interface folder) were not working. They are working perfectly fine in my old and slow windows 7 computer, and I copy/paste the files into my Skyrim SE interface folder and they work just fine.


This is a fresh Skyrim Legendary install in windows 10, on a secondary driver where my mods and all my skyrim related programs are located (also Skyrim SE).


I uninstalled and deleted everything on the skyrim folder, reinstalled Skyrim again and tested the mods without installing anything else like SKSE and still nothing.


Can someone help with this please?

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