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Need help!


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first of all you need to download winrar then when u have winrar extrract the files with it and then coy and paste the contents into your oblivion data file or you could just use obmm wich is way easier then launch oblivion and go to data file and check off rens beauty pack and then it should work.


sorry it isnt to detailed i am just a bit lazy hope i helped.


cheers mate :thumbsup:

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Install WinRAR, it will associate the .RAR (and subsequent .R** files should you... nevermind) files that you have on your desktop with the program. You should now be able to simply A) double click on the file icon and it will open via WinRAR or B) right-click on the file icon and select Extract To... or any of the other options. You should first double click the file icon to check the directory structure as some modders don't put a great deal of thought and/or effort into packaging the mods conveniently (albeit most do! and thank you to those who do). That means you could Extract To ... C:\program files\bethesda whatever\oblivion\data and instead of unpacking your .ESM/ESP files into the root Data folder, you wind up with Oblivion\Data\Modname\Files.esp * I highly recommend you use OBMM because it takes ALL the effort and thought out of installing mods (almost all of it anyway) so that you can just "Add archive" and it will work its magic for you. If my directions were too vague/crappy, google it. Google ftw, unless you're Yahoo.
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Ok I have right-clicked the book icons and now I have 2 folders, i've been messing around with this for about 2 hours now and I still cant figure it out....I found some file things that had a .esp tag after them... anything special I do with them?
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I have a set of help files for beginners - unzipping files and a good FREE unzipping program is included. (7-zip) it will unzip winrar as well as any other zipped formats. plus, it tells you what to do with the file when you have unzipped it.


Click on the highlighted text below to be taken to the site.




Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

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