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[LE] A bug I just found with weapon racks in Skyrim

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I recently created a player home in Skyrim LE that has two staffs with "on equip" scripts on them that enable/disable assigned Xmarkers in the house. I just found that if the staffs are placed into a weapon display rack it seems to effect the scripts somehow and they no longer work after they are removed from the rack. I used the console to get new staffs and both worked fine.


My guess is the rack clears the assigned properties in the script. I don't think there is a way to check script properties in the game.


I wanted to post this up because I searched quite a bit and didn't find this bug anywhere. Hopefully this will help others who may have the same issue. :smile:

Edited by Asaforg
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Always keep in mind, this section is for mod authors of potentially 548 different games. And while sometimes some terms might give it away, it will help immensely reaching the right people, if you always also mention the game you're talking of.

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My guess is the rack clears the assigned properties in the script.

Not possible. Only editing the esp can do that. However, the reference that the property is pointing at might become invalid for various reasons.


And always check your Papyrus log for errors.

Edited by steve40
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Awesome on the title DrakeTheDragon and on the tips from steve40! :thumbsup: I do try to find issues in my logs and I just saw a mod that allows for easier viewing of the log. I still have a ton to learn about modding and really appreciate the help.

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