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Spike isn't THAT big


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Spike the deathclaw triggers the ground-shaking effect. He's not THAT big, so I'm thinking of trying to find him in the CK and seeing if I can disable the ground shake effect. It's annoying when that happens while he's following you, or even when he's walking around a settlement.

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You are looking for the script "deathclawRaceScript.psc".


If you only want to adjust how big the rumble is, change the first parameter of function mySelf.rampRumble() on line 53.
Value must be between 0.001 and 1.0 (the bigger, the more rumble).


If you want to get rid of the deathclaw walking rumble completely, remove the lines 14 and 15 where it registers for FootLeft/Right animation event, and lines 51,52,53, and 54, where it would process the event (these lines wont have any effect after removing lines 14 and 15, but if you want to do it proper, remove them too).


Or you can just use one of the files i attached:


This is with no rumble at all.

This is with a way more subtle rumble (power 0.04 instead of original 0.20, and falloff 1024 instead of original 512)

Hard to notice, but at twice the distance - something like this:


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