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Call for help with the Texture Replacer


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I know this may be in the wrong spot but I am looking for some help with the following utility:




The utility is great using the GUI but there are a few issues I have encountered like the cmd-line version breaking the meshes in a variety of circumstances (especially when using wildcard and the like). What I would like to do is have a batch file that I can run which will correctly run TR for all nif files in either a hardcoded location that can be changed or a local location.


Any ideas?


Here is the batch I have that didn't work:


:: Texture Replacer Batch File
@echo off
cd C:\Utilities\TextureReplacer\
tr.exe "C:\Games\Bethesda 


DSBlackFortress\Exterior\*.nif" "C:\Games\Bethesda 


KVDSWhiteFortress\Stone_White.dds" "C:\Games\Bethesda 


cd C:\Users\Jeridyn\Documents\

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