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Realistic Bullets?


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I get that some aspects need to be enhanced for gameplay reasons. Stimpacks are similar to medkits in other games that serve the same purpose. Without them, It would be a lot less fun. That being said, shooting a raider who has no head protection 20 times makes for a pretty unimmersive experience. Stimpacks do not exist in real life, but bullets do. Essentially, what I have in mind is a bullet overhaul of some kind.



- Bullets of the same caliber will do the same amount of damage regardless of what gun they are being fired from. The only exception could be pipe weapons. They are meant to be of shoddy design and would likely not have rifling or an optimized receiver. making a gun automatic could have a similar nerfing effect, as automatic fire does allocate a small amount of the gas to perform its task. The pipe guns should also probably be capable of becoming equal eventually through upgrades. If you can make receivers for combat and assault rifles, it would only make sense that you could enhance a pipe weapons.

- Bullets will have different damage on different targets. Raider without head protection likely wont fair well after 1 or 2 shots to the head regardless of caliber. A super mutant will probably do significantly better (They don't use their brains much anyway). Switching from .38 to 5.56 may be a necessity when dealing with super mutants, creatures or hell even a raider that decided to not attack while naked, but raiders with 0 head protection should go down easy with headshots.

- Level of raiders or other enemies should determine very little in terms of how much damage they can take. Sure, better gear will lead to a more successful raider, but no matter how experienced you are, a bullet is still a bullet at the end of the day. Raiders of higher experience should have better armor, not better "head thickness". That being said, super mutants and creatures may actually do just that (develop or be evolved to have a thicker skull or something), so giving the higher level of these variants higher damage makes sense to an extent, though could do with some nerfing depending on the previously discusses variables.

- Lastly, this should carry over to the player as well more or less. Sure the player should be capable of taking a little more damage than the fodder. Not out of realism, just for the game to remain playable as is. Nothing crazy though, The naked player should have about 1.5x whatever the average naked raider would have (or something like that, I'm not a mod maker, that's just an example).


If anyone has the time and effort to put into this, it would sure be swell. I'm sure I'm not the only person tired of shooting raider bullet sponges for a full 3 minutes.


If this mod already exists to the depths explained, please direct me to it, I will be eternally grateful.

Edited by lostbladder
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"One Shot One Kill" on the nexus comes pretty close. Not as exact as I ideally wanted, but pretty damn close overall. My main issue was bullet sponges. This mod author understands and fixed the main issue.


My secondary issue still remains however. Bullets of different caliber do different amounts of ballistic damage. The same bullet being fired by different guns does not have this affect to any noticeable amount. Would love to see this reflected in game some day.

Edited by lostbladder
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Have a look at my better locational damage mod. Probably the mod you are looking for. Does much more than you probably think. Link in my signature

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  • 11 months later...

Have a look at my better locational damage mod. Probably the mod you are looking for. Does much more than you probably think. Link in my signature

Sorry it's been like a literal year, but yes I actually coincidentally just downloaded your mod just a few days ago and found it to be the closest available to what I've been looking for. Excellent job on the mod. Thank you.

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