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Better heads


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Hi everyone,


I want to have better poly heads in my Skyrim VR.. (for npcs of course).

I found this great mod by blabaa, Citrus heads: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/58989/?tab=description&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Fskyrim%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D58989%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D2187404&pUp=1


But I have a few questions:


- It needs Race Menu, should it work in SSE?


- It Works on NPCs, right? If yes, does it Works with npcs overhauls like bijin, the ordinary women or men of Winter? I just want to improve the blocky faces on skyrim, but having the models of bijin, ordinary women, men of Winter, etc..


- I had read about facial animation problems


- Other better head mod for SSE?


-What steps I have to do? I don't know much about ck, facegen, etc etc.. english is not my native language and it's a Little bit difficult to understand some things.


Thanks in advance, Greetings!

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I do not have answers to all your questions but I found this answer on the forums by thestigma.


So TLDR you can run racemenu in SE if you don't mind some of the features being disabled (and you are ok with the risks of using an alpha).


I havnen't dug into this myself yet, but essentially it should mean that you should be able to load presets fine, but actually sculpting a new face isn't going to work.


In theory you should be able to run a temporary installation of Oldrim, install the mods you need to create your character, then export that preset to SE and it should be fine assuming that you add the same asset-mods to SE of course (hair, bodytypes, skin ect.).


If that's too much work for a custom character then just go search for an existing preset you like - or more broadly add one of the better-charcter-presets mods that add reworked presets to the normal character generation. They usually aren't as extremely fine-tuned as the one-off customs but they are at least far better than the horrible vanilla ones that barely look humanid.



Then again, Citrus heads is for old Skyrim so you would need to convert it for SSE.




I found this guide, but for females. High poly females.




Then this one. Skyrim highpoly heads by Erik.



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