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Help With Merchant


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Anyone know how to get a merchant to sell a horse? I created a horse and a merchant in Riverwood. I also created a horse trader faction and the merchant is a member of the that new faction. I then made the horse so that it is owned by my new merchant because it looks like the horses you can buy from stables are also owned by the person selling them.


I know how to make a merchant sell regular items out of a chest but I can't figure out what I am missing to get him to sell a horse. I made some changes and am closer to getting it to work. My new merchant no longer wanders around and I got him to open up a dialogue with me.


It shows what do you have for sale in the dialogue and of course he has nothing for sale because he doesn't have a chest or any items to sell. I know how to easily fix that and give him items to sell but there is no option when talking to him to buy a horse.


I am guessing it is something simple to fix? Or do I have to edit or maybe even create a new script or something like that?

Edited by SuperMegaSuperMega
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Wow! A lot of work to try and get someone to sell a horse. Found what looked like dozens of more things that needed to be done such as saddled and unsaddled horses, adding more entries to appropriate factions etc and he still wouldn't sell a horse. Argh! I give up on that it is to complicated.


Insted I decided to just use the existing horse trader at Whiterun stables which now sells a ghost (ethereal) horse which is unkillable. No longer have to worry about those 2000 foot falls off cliffs. :)

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