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Mod Request: Tweak to Sebastian's schedule post-marriage


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I really like Sam and Sebastian's friendship, and frankly, I think it's a little sad that after marriage they don't spend Saturdays hanging out together anymore. Would anyone be able to whip up a mod where Sebastian still spends Saturdays with Sam? It could be all but identical to his non-married Saturday schedule, just with his departing from and going back to your farm instead of Robin's house.


I realize this is a very esoteric, niche request that probably only appeals to me, and I'd make it for my own personal use if I knew anything about modding. But since I don't, all I can hope is that it's a really easy request and a very generous modder will be willing and able to whip something up for me.

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Ok now this SHOULD work (or at least it did when I tried). Unfortunately I couldn't find Sebastian's marriage schedule for Saturdays, so why he's not just visiting Sam on that day is beyond me. I did however manage to make Sam and Seb hang out on FRIDAYS. Just unzip the files and locate the Stardew Valley/Content/Characters/schedules folder and replace the old files with the two new ones (don't forget to make a back-up first!).


Note that their schedules may differ on rainy days and some other exceptions. Also, whenever you're not married to Sebastian anymore (either in this game or in a new game), I'd advise you to replace these files with the old ones again since they're better adjusted to the other NPC's.


Let me know if it worked.

Edited by bombastick1
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Thanks so much for the mod! I guess it will interfere with Sam and Sebastian going to the bar on Fridays, but it's still amazing you whipped this up for me!


Though I am curious - what do you mean re: not being able to find Sebastian's marriage schedule for Saturdays?

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Well as you can see here: (https://stardewvalleywiki.com/Sebastian), when you're married to Sebastian he has an adjusted schedule for Fridays and Mondays. Each character has a content file with a code that dictates what they do on each day of the week. However, I couldn't find the code that says what Sebastian should do on Saturdays when he is married, just the one that says what he should do on regular Saturdays. And those for married Mondays and Fridays.


So if you'd like I could also make him meet up with Sam on Mondays, but in that case it would interfere with Sam working at JojaMart, and since Sam wouldn't have any income then he would have to live in a trailer with Pam and Penny...

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Hm...well, I haven't tested regular Saturdays with Sebastian yet, save for the one I married him on. (I'm still that early into the marriage.) Possibly he DOES still go, and he just didn't go on the Saturday I married him because it was our wedding day? Although I assumed, checking the wiki, that since it doesn't mention he goes anywhere in particular on Saturdays, that it meant he just hangs around at your farmhouse. But maybe that was meant to indicate that his Saturday schedule when married is the same as his non-married Saturday schedule...? If that's the case, then I owe you a big apology for wasting your time...but I'll have to check on the next Saturday and then get back to you. :|a


That said, I already put Jojamart out of business, so it would be the library that has to do without Sam's services for the day if you switched it to Mondays. That might actually work out...especially since Pam and Penny have a nice house now. Which I paid for. I'm sure they can spare Sam a room...


But yeah, before I ask you to do anything else, I'm going to make sure I haven't wasted your time with this request. If I have, deepest apologies in advance! (And a lesson learned on my end about assuming I know what the wiki means.)

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Don't mention it, it's not a big effort if you know how to edit the game's Content files. And since I'm working on a mod myself it was just a minor distraction. As for Sebastian's Saturday schedule, I think there is a sort of general marriage schedule that applies to all NPC's (unless stated otherwise like on Seb's Mondays and Fridays). I just don't know how and where in the Content folder it is stored, and if it's even editable at all.

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