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FO4 Mod Deployment fails


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As the title says mod deployment fails for FO4. The logs show nothing. I've included the log file which from what I can see says nothing about the failed deployment. It just seems like the deployment wasn't tried at all.


After swapping what drive I use from my external SSD (Samsung t5) to my internal storage HDD (Seagate Barracuda) deployment works just fine.


I posted an issue in the NMM forum the other day with a similar issue, but have not tried NMM since swapping.


If anyone with a bit more HW knowledge could weigh in on this I'd appreciate it.

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Since Vortex hardlinks the files then you deploy where are two possibilities:


1: FO4 and the /mods/-directory for FO4 must be on the same partition. If example FO4 is on HD and /mods/-directory on SSD it will never work.


2: Hardlinking is a feature of the NTFS file system. Some file systems like FAT, exFAT etc. does not support hardlinking. The Samsung t5 as default uses exFAT, meaning it will never work unless you re-format to using NTFS.

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Since Vortex hardlinks the files then you deploy where are two possibilities:


1: FO4 and the /mods/-directory for FO4 must be on the same partition. If example FO4 is on HD and /mods/-directory on SSD it will never work.


2: Hardlinking is a feature of the NTFS file system. Some file systems like FAT, exFAT etc. does not support hardlinking. The Samsung t5 as default uses exFAT, meaning it will never work unless you re-format to using NTFS.

Thanks, at least I know what the problem is then.

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