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Custom follower questions


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Hey nexus, I finally unglued my eyes from the CK after running into a problem. I added 3 followers with different abilities, but when I recruit them as soon as the **** hits the fan and one aoe is used the other followers are hit and start attacking the aoe caster. I'm fairly sure it has to do with the relationship status but I can't figure out what it needs to be set to. Also each follower is created and saved under different mod files. Any tips?
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AOE and a party of NPC followers is a bad combo. You cant try the console command sifh 1 to see if that works. that makes them ignore friendly fire, but I think AOE will still create agro. I dont give NPC's AOE spells unless they are to be a single follower for that reason alone.
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Resurrecting this thread, because it was recently linked to from another thread and people here seem to have questions about the loadout for followers.


If you open up the quest "DialogueFollower" in the CK, and double-click on "Follower" in the "Quest Aliases" tab, you'll notice that every follower is given a hunting bow and iron arrows by default. I'm not entirely certain about armour loadouts, but I would assume there's a similar mechanic that assigns steel armour as the outfit for references filling a particular alias.

Edited by JanusForbeare
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