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[REQ] Leona's armor, shield and sword


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As a LoL player, Leona is probably one of my favorite Champions to play as. Sadly, there don't appear to be any mods that could really let me play as her (at least, none that would do her justice).


As such, perhaps as a long-shot, I thought I might as well request here for someone to make a weapon/armor set that would let a player dress up like Leona.


For reference, here's an artwork:


Surely that's doable. And it'd look awesome even if you're not playing specifically as her, right? ;)

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I have seen a few LoL weapons made (Garen's sword and Lord Mordekaiser's Mace) I really hope that more people can make weapons and armor from LoL (especially Leona and Yi's weapons and armor.)
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