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Can i request a speaking mod?


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I love skyrim for roleplay.

I have that dovakiin relaxes mod that allows you to do lots of animations but one thing i have wanted and searched for is the ability to strike up idle chatter with npcs like they do to eachother.


With this mod you would be able to do everything other npcs can in the world because its the only thing that has not been done yet.

Can somebody make this please? it would be awesome. Makes your player a little more real.


wheni mean idle chatter i mean where a npc talks to another and the npc replies and has a conversation.

I would love this ability!!

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The conversation would be pretty dull, think of the ones in Oblivion! :D Your character does say some words when using the mod but they are just phrases then whole conversations or speeches!
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The conversation would be pretty dull, think of the ones in Oblivion! :D Your character does say some words when using the mod but they are just phrases then whole conversations or speeches!


I have noticed conversations in skyrim and they talk to eachother. i think it would be great if we could do the same.

Skyrim poop on youtube have also made their own funny conversation videos so it is even possible to invent your own conversation sticking to just vanilla voices. i think it would be excellent.

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