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Help adding Craftable Item


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Basically need to know how you pick where an item is listed.

For example - If I'm adding a steel sword, how do I get it to show up under the steel listing. Or if I'm adding leather boots, how do I get them to show under leather.


Also need to know how to add a new category.

For example - If I have a Titanium sword, how do I add the category Titanium?


That's pretty much where I'm stuck, just getting items showing in the proper lists.


Thanks in advance and take care,

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I am having the same problem, at least with new Categories


If you want to add something to an existing category you just need to add the keyword for that category to it.


In the dialog window when you edit say a piece of armor you can add ArmorMaterialGlass and it will Show up under Glass in the Forge.


But I have no clue how to add new ones though, because if you add something like ArmorMaterialRock you do not get a "Rock" in the forge, it just shows up as MISC


Any help would be apriciated

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