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I agree with Moveing. The Democrat party has always thought of blacks as less than human. First they enslaved them then they persecuted them with the KKK and Jim Crow laws. Now they think they are not capable of competing with others so they need special treatment. Not only that, they also support and federally fund the mass murder of black babies through their continued support for Planned Parenthood ( the stated goal of the founder of the program.) Nothing has changed but the propaganda.
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You do realize back then southern democrats were extremely conservative right?


Does this sound liberal to you? http://kkk.bz/?page_id=2896


Or this http://www.kkkk.net/ourbeliefs.html


Or this http://kukluxklan.bz/faq.html


I can keep going. Pretty sure that radical Christianity, hating gays, disliking immigrants, and disliking social programs is not exactly liberal within the USA.


As for abortion, it is a sad day when cell groups that do not have any cognitive function are considered a human life. That is all I should have to say on that.

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First things first grannywillis, in no way is this a personal attack towards you. This is a debate forum. Second i am not naive to slavery in the world still existing. third, I apologize about my grammer, in that post. I am one of those guys that type fast before he loses his train of thought, i have real world things going on when i type things, those can distract me. Just so you know.


I could take your initial comments as a personal attack against me, and a personal insult .Although i will not be going to do that. What i am going to do, is agree with you. And explain myself, without trying to create a wall of text, what i meant by that.


If you noticed, i said in most parts of the world. I don't hear about slavery in Europe, i don't hear about slavery in any parts of the America's, i am sure that Australia has none, and does not tolerate it. Russia, claims to be democratic and free, but that yet again could be another debate. In all of the "free" parts of the world i should have said.


In Asia, slavery is served contractually the way you said, not by force. But due to a debt. Anybody willing to enter into an agreement as such in my opinion, is ignorant, to the idea that we as the United States of America stands for. Freedom. Freedom isn't a right to do what you want outside the law, Freedom is a right to EARN a substantial living wage, from the services a person provides, and with in the boundry of the law, purchase the goods, they need to survive, with that wage, when ever they need or want to. Our constitution declares certain unalienable rights and freedoms. Those are included in the U.S,A's idea of freedom.


In North Korea, i am sure slavery exist, hands down, flat out, that country utilizes concentration camps.

In the middle east, women are basically slaves. Men enter indentured servitude AKA slavery. ( not all, but some countries )

Most Asian countries, include indentured servitude in there laws. It is a fact of that type of society.

India for example, and the cast based society, they still "unofficially" use.


I am far from Naive, about many things. What some people that are "naive" forget, is that debating in a text based form, can easily be misconstrued, as information is never correctly interpreted. In now way, and this goes to anybody that reads this, am i the type of person to single out and attack someone personally on the internet, nor do i believe or think that you did that to me grannywillis, but some people that read that could take that the wrong way.


In no way did i say slavery DOES NOT exist. And in no way will this make me feel unwelcome in the debate forums. Whether or not people misconstrued what i say, that is there interpretation. And if i have to keep explaining myself over and over again, i will. That is part of a debate.

Edited by tamujiin
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You do realize back then southern democrats were extremely conservative right?

Leftwing people swing the word "conservative" around like fiecies on a stick' date=' don't even know what it means. These movements in the south like the KKK saw themself never as conservative. Most of them weren't even in to slavery, because these white trash people were always to poor for keeping slaves. They saw them self always as a new social revolutionary movement. By the way, all these KKK Rituals, Ranks and Codewords are from the freemasory.


I can keep going. Pretty sure that radical Christianity, hating gays, disliking immigrants, and disliking social programs is not exactly liberal within the USA.

People like Margret Sanger wrote about, that the best way to destroy the black community is to pose as liberals, as their friends, and find corrupt individuals to be the community organizers in the black community. Then take the Men, the Fathers away and destroying them by destructive culture. Is Jay-Z a Republican? Was this "Vote or Die" Thing about conservatism(Yeah i know that was P-diddy) ? And if i would be a white sterotype military guy from the pentagon like the commandor from Avatar, i would see voter registration as a good way to force people into the draft. Mainly poor people.


If i would be a black guy and see a KKK guy with his hood, i would see an enemy and be aware of him.

But if i would see a smiling feminin liberal maybee with some pink shirt or whatever, i would think "Hey this doesn't seems dangerous".


As for abortion, it is a sad day when cell groups that do not have any cognitive function are considered a human life. That is all I should have to say on that.

In America more black cell groups that have no cognitve functions were aborted then they were born. Thats what i call a genocide. And who does those things mainly? Planned Parenthood.


See the trick?


Edited by Moveing
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Yes we're suddenly in Wonderland where down is up and up is down. I'm gonna hitch a ride on the next free market unicorn I see out of the zero facts but hyper hyperbole zone.






And by the way, when I'm participating in a thread I recuse myself from moderator duties.

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A tool that you might find helpful or at least I do.













That was hardly called for and undoubtedly will gain a response from Marharth justifiably decrying it as an insult.

Edit: Evidently not as sensitive to Bong references as my droll comments. :confused:

Edited by Aurielius
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