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Yea you posted a video that was some guy talking about a conspiracy theory. Not really that interesting to me.


It was already explained how the parties shifted. The KKK is conservative obviously. I don't care about names like Republican or Democrat, what matters is your actual views and actions. For a small example look at Theodore Roosevelt. He would be completely unelectable as a democrat today. He supported wide corporate and social reforms that would far exceed the left today.


Abortion isn't genocide. It doesn't have any cognitive function, how can you even consider it murder?


Maybe I am just deluded though and all the rappers are part of a evil liberal conspiracy.


EDIT: Sorry Aurielius, but nope.


Ummm....Teddy was a Republican.

That is my point.



Your point is that the parties have switched and a former Republican couldn't now get elected as a Democrat? I think you just undermined your own argument. The issues have changed and the way the parties have presented themselves have changed but the Democrats have always been about big government and racism.

You completely missed my point.


My point is that the entire political spectrum has changed. He is too far to the LEFT to be elected as a democrat. Not too far to the right.


I think he could be elected as a Republican today.


Then your ignorance of the subject is showing. There is no way he'd be able to be elected by the Republican party today, his signature legislation was the National Parks which the Republicans are dismantling at every opportunity.

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Yea you posted a video that was some guy talking about a conspiracy theory. Not really that interesting to me.


It was already explained how the parties shifted. The KKK is conservative obviously. I don't care about names like Republican or Democrat, what matters is your actual views and actions. For a small example look at Theodore Roosevelt. He would be completely unelectable as a democrat today. He supported wide corporate and social reforms that would far exceed the left today.


Abortion isn't genocide. It doesn't have any cognitive function, how can you even consider it murder?


Maybe I am just deluded though and all the rappers are part of a evil liberal conspiracy.


EDIT: Sorry Aurielius, but nope.


Ummm....Teddy was a Republican.

That is my point.



Your point is that the parties have switched and a former Republican couldn't now get elected as a Democrat? I think you just undermined your own argument. The issues have changed and the way the parties have presented themselves have changed but the Democrats have always been about big government and racism.

You completely missed my point.


My point is that the entire political spectrum has changed. He is too far to the LEFT to be elected as a democrat. Not too far to the right.


I think he could be elected as a Republican today.


Then your ignorance of the subject is showing. There is no way he'd be able to be elected by the Republican party today, his signature legislation was the National Parks which the Republicans are dismantling at every opportunity.


What parks have been dismantled again?


Republicans had control from the late 90's through the mid 2000's, surely you can tell me what parks they privatized (or downright abolished and dumped toxic waste on since you seem to buy into the rhetoric of the far, far left).

Edited by csgators
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“I don’t know why the government owns so much of this land.” -- Mitt Romney, during an appearance in Reno, Nevada, on February 2.


“I want as much federal land to be turned over to the state(s) as possible.” -- Rep. Ron Paul, during an appearance in Elko, Nevada, on February 2. Mr. Paul also has called for the elimination of the Interior Department.

We need to get [federal lands] back into the hands of the states and even to the private sector.” -- Former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, during an appearance in Boise, Idaho, on Valentine's Day.
















etc. ad nauseum.


Read it and it eat it.

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And you get elected based on what you say right?


If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.

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And you get elected based on what you say right?


If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.


*edited* never mind. It would do no good and I may want to download mods from this site in the future.

Edited by csgators
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And you get elected based on what you say right?


If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.

Why was that in reply to me? I was replying to cs

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And you get elected based on what you say right?


If your legislation is shot down by the majority as being worthless, it's still your legislative bill and you are still accountable for it. You can thank the democrats that many of these measures have been voted down, but lots of measures that fund the parks do pass (or in essence defund the parks).


There's a lot more to this, but I start to resent having to do your homework for you.

Why was that in reply to me? I was replying to cs


I must have grabbed your post by accident.



and FYI, I never watch MSNBC. Ever.


From Fox News/Glenn Beck:









Pop Quiz: Which body of US Legislative Branch controls the Purse?


Who is in the current Majority in control of that body currently?

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