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Altering existing mod with optional file

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I am trying to figure out how to alter a mod I made with a second mod file.


I created The Hoarder's Chest and have received numerous requests for additional storage / display space. I'm not wanting to modify the primary mod, I like the layout and don't care to change it; but I do want to try to meet these users' requests. In order to do this, I'm wanting to create a second mod that changes the location of some of my mannequins, and adds a few more.


I've attempted this by loading my mod into the creation kit without setting it as active, modifying the layout, and saving it as a new mod. I've loaded it into SSE, and made sure that the modification is loading after the main mod, but nothing in the main mod is changing.


I'm sure there just some step that I'm missing and was hoping to get some guidance on how to accomplish this.




The Hoarder's Chest: https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/mods/7379

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You need to make your first mod a master of the new one. You can't do that directly in the CK but you can do it in SSEEdit.


Temporarily convert your main esp to an esm. Do this by changing the file extension, loading it into the CK and saving it.

Now load that and the new esp together into the CK, make your changes and save the new esp.

Open the new esp in SSEedit and edit the header. Where you see the masters, edit the entry for your mod from esm to esp. Quit and save.

Once you have done that, don't open the new esp again in the CK because it will throw away the header entry.

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How do I save my mod as an esm? It won't let me set the modified esm file as active, so I can't save it after converting it.




I'm having a really weird issue. I got it to work once, but when I loaded the game again, the entrance to my mod area is completely missing.

Edited by PowderedSugar
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Wow, that's a pretty crazy limitation. It also means I wasted a bunch of time last night >_> Oh well, I got the layout figured out at least.


Does that mean I can't go in and test the mod while I'm building it? Whenever I switched it to an esm it wouldn't load properly and I couldn't access my cells in-game.


I also still cannot figure out how to get the CK to save an esm. I can't set it as the active mod, so how can I save it?




Edit: I just tried converting the plugin to an esm and loading it in Skyrim. None of my cells exist, and I cannot access my mod. This mod does rely on a .bsa in addition to the .esp. Is there some change I need to make to that to get it to load properly?

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I can't help you for your other issues, but for this one

I also still cannot figure out how to get the CK to save an esm. I can't set it as the active mod, so how can I save it?

I know you can esmified an esp with Wrye Bash.

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Thanks. I've managed to get it working. Just changing the extension seems to have been enough. Then I can edit the secondary mod, save it, make a backup of everything, prep it for testing, and then just revert to the back up copy once I'm done testing. This setup allows me to test without worrying about breaking the mod's association. It's a little cumbersome, but it works.

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