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Several voice actors needed for a skyrim mod.


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Hey all! I am currently making a mod, it will have a lore-friendly story, and new items will go into it as well. But the most dire thing I need right now are voice actors. I currently need no female voice actors, and two male. Here's a small description of my mod.


It will be called the Sword of Arkay. An ancient evil has awakened in the world of Skyrim. To defeat this new evil, you must use the powerful Sword of Arkay. To get the Sword, you will go through dungeons, and quests. Of course, I will need friendly NPC's so you can get the quests. So, I need voices.


Info: Got some info! The mod will feature at least 15+ dungeons. The 15 dungeons will be used for the story of the mod. And there may be more due to side quests.


Video: Got a video showing off some voice acting in my new mod! Check it out here. http://youtu.be/Fs6vEV7h-gU There is one line with a cutting off issue, but my mod right now is still buggy.




If you would like to help, PM me your skype. You must have a mic of course, and it needs to be quality. I don't care what mic it is, but no puffs of air from H's or P's. That's the most important thing.


The NPC's are, for the most part, adults. So I need voice actors who are 18+. If you want to voice act, I will fill you in more about the mod. Thanks!


I don't need 3D wizards if you will, or dungeon designers. I will need someone who can make a all new, 3D model sword in the future. But right now, I'm taking care of the dungeons. I will (maybe) need help later on with dungeons. We shall see!

Edited by Ashtasu
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Exactly what kind of feel are you going for with these male voice actors? Is it going to be a general kind of "We need help, it's not major but do it anyways please" that we see in skyrim, or is there going to be some personality, like that of Cicero?
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Exactly what kind of feel are you going for with these male voice actors? Is it going to be a general kind of "We need help, it's not major but do it anyways please" that we see in skyrim, or is there going to be some personality, like that of Cicero?


The first NPC you come across in the mod is just a guy asking for help with something. Later on we start to see some interesting personalities with these characters. Insane characters, grumpy characters, that sort of thing. Right now, I only have 4 characters planned.

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