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Paarthurnax missing! Any ideas?


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I have a problem in the main quest line. After a thorogh google and skyrim sites search, I came across a small handful of other people who experienced it too, but it seems very rare. I didn't find anything on this site.


As the title says, in the quest "throat of the world" when I use the newly aquired shout to get through the barriers and walk up to the top of the mountain and get to the dragon wall, there is no Paarthurnax.


Here's what I have tried:


- reloading a save from before I talked to Angeir and going through the whole procedure again


- waiting 24 hours in game at different locations between High Hrothgar and the mountain peak


- using console command moveto player for P (nothing happens)


- using console command player.moveto with P's ID. This caused me to land somewhere on the mountain and die instantly. So I tried it again using the god mode command. Again I landed somewhere on the mountain, on a ledge still near the top but quite a bit away from P's wall, and survived. But no dragon in sight.


- using setstage. Using any stages apart from completing the quest, results in no effect whatsoever. If I complete the quest this way, it works and the following quest appears. So at least I have this as a last ressort. BUT: Apart from my reluctantness to cheat through the quest and miss the whole encounter with P, there may be some future problems. I don't know exactly how the MQ continues and what role P has to play in it, but I know there is a blades quest in which you should kill him. But how should I kill him if he doesn't exist? (Apart from cheating my way through again, of course -.-).


I should add that my game is heavily modded with all kinds of wonderful gems. But I doubt it has anything to do with them, as I don't use mods that crucially alter game mechanics or questlines.


So if you have any suggestions on how I can fix this bug and somehow get Paarthurnax to enter my game, they are highly appreciated.


Thank you for your help.

Edited by Yknuf
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What yknuf said, though I'm not using many mods. Ole P just isn't home and I can't find him. Appears that not many of us have that particular problem since I can't find anything about it except the prior post over a year ago. Oh well, next time I start over I'll get to this quest sooner. Still, if anyone has a fix I'd appreciate knowing what it is.



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