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Game Blacks out when entering new areas


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Hmm, well I just installed some more Mods largely to pre-empt a new GPU upgrade that should allow me to boost some settings and guess what's back :P

Interestingly it very definitely occurs when ScreenEffects loads. Odd though that even if I untick it in the Mod Manager, still getting the problem :/ I only have it loaded for the Enhanced Weather mod which I do really want but hey ho, if its causing this level of problem...

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Hmm, well I just installed some more Mods largely to pre-empt a new GPU upgrade that should allow me to boost some settings and guess what's back :P

Interestingly it very definitely occurs when ScreenEffects loads. Odd though that even if I untick it in the Mod Manager, still getting the problem :/ I only have it loaded for the Enhanced Weather mod which I do really want but hey ho, if its causing this level of problem...

As I mentioned before, you can download & install WxPython, Python, and Wrye Bash 193. Wrye Bash has a "nVidia Fog Fix" that you can run on mods that change interior cells. It resets the Fog so it won't cause black screens.


Wrye Bash 193


I haven't yet had to fix any Fog settings. You might if you want to stay with environmental mods.


Speaking of upgrades, there's a new graphics driver at nVidia for 32-bit XP (don't know about Vista, don't have any use for it myself).


nVidia 7-Series driver for XP 32-bit

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You're welcome. :)


I just got lucky, you asked a question I knew the answer to. :biggrin: Kivan helped me out on black screens, so I passed it forward.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I had the black screen bug the other day along with stuttering and texture warping (Khajiit tails stretching off into the middle of nowhere) I tried the Nvidia black screen fix, Which I am told only fixes vanilla oblivion cells and interiors But a few mods I had were experiencing the same problem, I found a topic that said to use wyre bash to change the fog settings on the new mods, Which to be honest I couldn't be bothered to use as evrytime I installed a new mod I would have to update the mod to remove the bug. I decided it was down to a persistant bug in nvidia's drivers that they havn't fixed. I am using a Nvidia gforce 8800 GT, I had the Latest drivers which didnt seem to help, Neither did any earlier ones, Game still stutered on full settings even though I knew it shouldn't. So yesterday I remembered when I had Ati cards I never used the official drivers I always used the omega tweaked Versions. So I went ahead and got the omega versions of the nvidia drivers and low and behold no more stuttering, Higher framerate with full graphics settings and no more texture warping or black screen bugs.


Warning tho, These are not official drivers and as such are not supported by nvidia. In the time I have used them I have never had any problems and they have never damaged whichever card I had in at the time, Personaly it has made my gaming experience much smoother and more fun.


This is just another avenue to explore as well as the ones mentioned here, If you are fine with using unofficial drivers I suggest you check out the site http://www.omegadrivers.net/

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I'll stick with nVidia drivers. Mine work fine, since I have all of the Unofficial Patches installed (nVidia Black Screen Fix merged into all of them), plus the separate mod further down in the load-order.


Besides, nVidia always posts Beta Drivers after a WHQL Driver is posted.

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Well I too, have also suffered from some of the issues listed here, thanks for the link to the omega drivers, I am going to give this a try as well. (elongated tails and spikes going off into the distance).


There is no one correct solution to this type of problem, but it is specific to your rig. There is no need to argue which is better as that is only determined by the one with the problem and the one that is best for one may not be the solution for another.


A driver may correct the issue and is easily rolled back or changed, but the offering of his experience may provide assistance to another with a like problem.


I once had a problem with a dirty registry that caused the game to be unplayable, but the indications I got from testing and analyzing was a bad vid card.



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I have been making my own mod recently and I have found that the omega drivers only seem to fix vanilla oblivion interiors and not modded interiors, No idea why, although the stuttering and texture warping has been fixed and\or improved significantly.


I still had to set the fog near value to 0.0001 to stop the bug from occuring in my mod.

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