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Mesh is visible in Nifskope, but invisible in Skyrim/CK


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I have adapted nortempleentrancehall01.nif to look like a Velothi tomb entrance, from Morrowind, for this mod: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/587614-morrowind-the-legend-of-st-jiub/


I've been successful in getting it to work in the CK and Skyrim after reshaping it correctly, but after redoing the UVs, different random parts of it won't appear in the CK or in Skyrim. They display in Nifskope just fine. Is this caused by the UV, or is it a problem that can be fixed within Nifskope?




Original: https://www.dropbox.com/s/damrole286yq4ua/nortempleentrancehall01.nif


WORKS in CK\Skyrim (bad UV): https://www.dropbox.com/s/bp1getvvox0cnub/velothientrance.nif


DNW, portions become invisible: https://www.dropbox.com/s/irpc61muf1mtp0s/velothientranceTEST1.nif


FIXED! I changed my 3DS max import/export settings to those described here: http://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/478312-tutorial-3ds-max-skinned-meshes-into-game/

Edited by STAVIUS
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For one thing, the string names for your blocks has become messed up. Each block must have a unique string name. When you click on a block, the first entry is Name. If you right click on the name then pick Edit String Index, you can open a window to choose the strings available so far. The Ribs01 and BSX should not be used. Change them each to NorTempleEntranceHall01:26 and NorTempleEntranceHall01:27, which got changed somehow. That may solve the issue.


If not, let me know what exactly disappears, by block name. Thanks.

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Unfortunately, the results are the same after making this change. Every piece disappears except for NorTempleEntranceHall01:3, which is the object with the alpha property. Note that it is identically in shape to another object. Removing the object with the alpha property does not seem to change the outcome; all objects then become invisible in CK and Skyrim.
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I imported the mesh into 3DS, edited them into their current shape, then edited the data with nifskope and it worked in Skyrim and the CK. I imported that model into 3DS, edited the UV, edited the data in Nifskope, but after that it would not work in the CK or Skyrim. I don't get errors upon importing into the CK, but the objects are invisible.
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  • 3 years later...

I have the same problem with Skyrim clothing that I ported to Oblivion......

is this the problem with Nif importer/exporter (maybe they are corrupted somehow...) ?

or the Nif file version are different & ..............

after that I tried with Oblivion clothing (exported them with Nif 3DS max plugin) and the result was the invisible mesh on TES CS and in game....


take a look at my mod please....if you know how to fix this thing I will greatly appreciate it....


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