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WTH Skyrim crashes my entire computer!?!?


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Alright so recently, every time I play Skyrim for more than 10 minutes, it lags for a quick second, makes my character travel directly sideways, and shuts the entire computer down. Not just the game...the entire computer crashes. It's starting to get really annoying to only play Skyrim for 10 minutes at a time. Does anyone have any idea what's going on? Edited by ABVXYzackattack
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If your computer is 1 1/2 to 3 years old then your computer is failing. I suggest lowering your settings and resolution below native in order to prolong it's last legs. Typically you can use a little more AA an AF on these lower resolution/detail games in order to make it look just as good. The overhead as far as pixels/data per second is much lower.


It would be helpful to know information about your computer for this issue.

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Hardware specs please. What are you running? List everything, especially the Power supply. Hard PC shutdowns during game play screams lack of power, although I'm surprised you're not getting a BSOD when this occurs.


EDIT: If you are running any overclocks, return your speeds to their stock values. You may be pushing your hardware to hard on that end too.

AGAIN: Could also be caused by overheating. What are your graphics set to?


Whatever it is, it's likely hardware related and restating it constantly without a plan of action only risks damage to your system.

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PM'ed me


alright here's the problem though with your idea: Skyrim is the only game it does this with. I play AOE 3, Starcraft 2, Morrowind, Oblivion, Fallout 3, and Fallout New Vegas and it doesn't do it with any of those games, only Skyrim.

Does this change any ideas about the problem? Or do you still think that lowering the graphics will help out?

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There are 3 options that I can think of:


1. Your PSU may be inadequate for games as demanding as Skyrim, and it therefore shuts your PC down after a minor surge.


2. It could be overheating, but it's not very likely since your game would be slowing way down before it crashed.


3. It's a PSU failure, almost certainly. One of these days it may very well turn on, and then fry. That's not meant to scare you for its own sake, you need to be a little scared about this. I suggest not running games on it any more until you get the problem identified or you run a high risk of losing everything randomly one day. If you identify the faulty component(s) first, you can save most of the PC and all your data. It's probably your Power Supply Unit that's failing or overtaxed, so either look up ways to test for that or ask a professional about it.


Also, my brother's PC got this problem for about a week, but it went away with a patch. That was five or six months ago and his PC is still fine, it never happened again or with any other games. DON'T count on it being that simple because he's seriosuly lucky he didn't fry his PC, and it was completely new at the time. I'm just saying, if you test your PC and everything seems fine, AND if you can play other games that are at least as stressful as Skyrim without crashing, it may not be a problem with your computer. Like I said though, don't count on that.

Edited by Rennn
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I've seen a lot of this topics before.You all should check this page:"http://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=625&game=The%20Elder%20Scrolls%20V" nd minimum isn't by all means, capable. Most computers, old ones and laps barely can handle this game.You should known about your pc specs and cpu,ram,gpus defintitions and ranges.Sometines more mundane things like virus,programs running in second hand,antivirus updates and so on, conflict at the time running with this kind of games.I insist, this is not a game intended for laps.For desktops and a decent gpu like my case,2 if you can afford them.

I used to be a newbie, years ago...

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No my computer didn't blow up if that's what your assuming...I just had a super busy day.

I turned the graphics down a bit, and it definitely prolonged the amount of time until it crashed the next time. So does this hint at just my computers incapability to run Skyrim, or something worse?

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