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Revamped Staffs


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I've never liked the way staffs work in Skyrim.


A better way, in my opinion, would be if unenchanted staffs could drop at random (like other weapons) or could be crafted at the blacksmith. These staffs would would be able to be enchanted with select armor enchantments that already exist, ie: Fortify Alteration & Magicka Regen, Fortify Conjuration & Magicka Regen, Fortify Illusion & Magicka Regen, Fortify Magicka, Fortify Magicka Regen, ect. This would make the enchantments in line with enchantments already available in game, they would scale with your enchanting level like other enchantments and would make it balanced. You could have these staffs equiped, yet still be able to cast spells while they're equpied. Not sure if this is technically fesable or not, but I think it would greatly improve Mage gameplay in Skyrim and would make for an excelent mod.

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easily done... just rip a vanilla staff, turn it into armor, rip over the vanilla staff attack animations for the attack animation when casting while a staff is equipped, and there you go... i'm surprised nobody has done it yet. Edited by jakdaryper
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