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[Reupload] Trying to reconstruct an argonian character from Morrowind


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[Cause someone responded and then immidietly erased the response and people now who see that there is one response think that it means the topic is done, sorry]

I already have two mods that I'll propably use and these are: Argonian Raptor Feet (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/19283) and Argonian Fins (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/55707). I would like for someone to tell me of other mods I should use after looking at the screenshot I'll provide or even make a preset out of them (I'll admit I'm lower than medicore in character creation in Skyrim, in Morrowind one there were only a couple of options). And here is the screenshot:



PS: If you want better screenshots with body and other stuff like that, feel free to ask.















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