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Floating Damage/Healing Text


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So there are a few mods out there that track the damage you're dealing one way or another, one "bleeds" all the damage out from your opponents body but that requires the actual combat to be different and to be "localized", great idea if that's what you're into but if that's not your thing, well it's not your thing. There's one out there that tracks how much damage you inflict with each melee swing, but it lists it in the top-left corner with all the other messages, causing the feedback on your damage to get slowed down by the other things happening and the incredibly slow way it scrolls through messages in the first place, plus this doesn't show spell damage or healing. So I was thinking, with "HUD Status Bars" there are an ENDLESS amount of HUD possibilities, able to have the text placed anywhere on the screen you want (in this case most normallly would be above the enemie's health bar, although above their head, and yours if in 3rd person, would be AMAZING), only this particular feature will probably truly take someone far more familiar with how this stuff works than me. In HUD Status Bars, there is a way to display your enemies health, magicka, fatigue, as well as your own and well pretty much anything you want to know if you know how to write the .ini file. So with all that in mind, the idea I had for a mod would be one that shows all damage and healing taken by at least your current enemy (if not able to be put above all character's heads). Something like red numbers for damage they take and green ones for any healing they take. I would imagine this would be possible if someone could figure out how to make the .ini file do the math of "previous health of actor minus current health of actor = damage they just received", as well as "previous health of actor minus current health of actor = healing they just recieved (it would be a larger value obviously so the end result would be a negative number, but then you try to either teach the mod that when displaying this particular script that negative numbers are listed as green numbers without a minus sign and positive numbers are listed as red)". I'm not sure if THAT is the way to do it or if there's another way. But basically scrolling damage/healing text, on screen, either on top of all character's heads or above the enemy health bar. Maybe another addon is what needs to be used but HUD Status Bars seems the best possible way. A stand-alone mod would obviously be amazing but this is something that seems very common in ALL "hit-point-based games" but does not exist on Obllivion, this should be figured out by SOMEONE!



P.S. If my description was somehow confusing or not quite clear, think "Show all damage and healing of a character like World of Warcraft-ish (obviously plenty of other examples but that is the one probably most well-known)".

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So I found and installed that yesterday before I wrote this request and just couldn't get it working, tho I was in a huge hurry. I'll be danged if there isn't a lot more to getting it to work than just installing in OBMM haha. Thanks for redirecting me there!
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That mod is absolutely amazing, it is EXACTLY what I was looking for. I thank you so so much, it's so detailed and incredible. They really should change the name of that mod or something so it's easier to find.

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Yeah I definitely did, there were a couple of little glitches in it here and there and the modder and I have been discussing it at length...plus he liked my idea of adding a word or two for the name and did so, hopefully more ppl will find it now. Now if you could only tell me how to fix the ridiculous blood splatter flicker problem... :wallbash:
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Whaaat? XD I was going to recommend scouter, but you said explicitly in your request that you wanted a mod to show the damage numbers, NOT simply the remaining health points XDD Damn. But I am glad you now have what you wanted. Have been using scouter myself for months now, it's great :)
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