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Skybox should accept fog; mountains & distant objects look bad


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Disclaimer: I'm running with graphics mods, but I am pretty sure this problem applies in the vanilla game. Correct me if I'm wrong.


Skyboxes in Skyrim draw without fog. This leads to situations like the one in the attached image where the mountains in the background show the fog but not the "sky" behind them. The false horizon is clearly visible and the edges around the mountains seriously break immersion. Either the skybox should accept fog in all three dimensions or at least it should horizontally (ignoring vertical distance) to simulate a low layer of fog around the player. The edges of the mountains should be almost indistinguishable because they should only be very slightly less fogged than the sky around them, which should be close to if not 100% fogged.


Hopefully someone with more modding experience, and who is less lazy and less busy (yes, I'm both) than me can look into this. Good luck.

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