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Area of Effect Spell Issues


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So, I was looking around on youtube at the master area of effect spells, Blizzard and Firestorm, and I noticed that when you use it, aura is supposed to gather up around you as you charge. I also noticed that the Firestorm is like a pyro shockwave and that Blizzard is supposed to look like a whirlwind of frost. Well, in my game, when I use them, I can see no aura around my character, only some of the flames show up when I unleash Firestorm and Blizzard doesnt has its whirlwind effect, instead it looks like a lot of falling snow coming at me. Like, WTH, I wanna see the awesomeness and Skyrim isnt letting me!


Any help from you wonderful people? =(

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  • 3 months later...
Did you lower your Skyrim graphics quality? That's the only thing I can think of that would affect it. I have experienced some stuff myself though. Whenever I created a spell that used the teleportation effects, the characters affected would always be incomplete (like with empty spaces in between and partially transparent).
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