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Book Templates?


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A few things.


First tyreil, there's a little thing called "banter". Perhaps you've heard of it. If you really were the esteemed Cpt. Sparrow you would use alot of it.


ooh mate i know he was messing about but still it wasnt that funny... besides im Psycho not Jack Sparrow now



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Creating books realy is simple, you just fire up the construction set, activate the master file, find a book item - any book item, duplicate the whole thing, rename, change the content (uses simple html tags), open a cell - once again any plain old cell would do but I suggest something simple like Tallos Plaza for example and drop on the ground.


And in case you didn't yet grasp the basic functionality of the construction set and the previous part of this post made you go double u tee ef... Well in that case the TES CS wiki will realy be your best friend as Triforce1 allready mentioned.


And as far as my second post in this thread goes - no it wasn't mean to be a link, I was kind of hoping he'd use google.

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