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Cm companions


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Hello, ive been using cm companions now for a few days and alls been well so far. But as i was doing the lost spires mod i guess one of my companions hit the other too many times and now they WONT stop fighting. Both are essential so they never die, and if i intterupt them (by knocking one out and quickly talking to the other) and use the "share" option it freezes the game (but i think this is from the fact that she has like a million items in her inventory from looting).


Anyways no matter what i do they wont stop. Ive reinstalled the mod (by copying all the files back into my data folder from the zip) but that makes no change. fast travel, saving/loading, breakup/standby commands, repair comand, nothing makes them stop.


whenever i fast travel they do stand around next to each other for a good 10 seconds before going at it. that makes me think its a stat (like faction) that got messed up that can be changed by via the console. Ive searched the hell out of this forum and basically the whole internet but found very vauge/offtopic help so far.


anyone else had this problem? and any way to fix it? ive been using this for a while now with no problems, and i really do love this mod n hope i can get it functional again. Thanks to whoever replies.



until then, ill be questing with two feuding women. cant think of a worse scenario to be in than between two fully armed women trying to fight each other to the death. but at least they look nice ;)

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You are in luck. A new mod was just posted just yesterday to handle just the situation you have described. You will get to be one of the first to try it out. Please be sure to rate it and give a kudo to the person who suggested it as well.


Get it here: http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=18461

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Wow how awesome. But whats weird is all the posts ive seen about this seem to say that the fighting stops after a bit (when someone goes unconcious) but in my game they continuously fight forever, even after one gets knocked out, the other just stands there waiting and smashes on em when they get up. its like ufc but with hot chicks.



but anyways thanks a ton i hope this helps.

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