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Graphics Mods + Launcher Graphics Question


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So...a question I have regarding this mod is what should the actual launcher settings be when launching it?


I noticed when I first installed it, the game did a "finding your best graphic settings" for me...not sure if it is auto-set but I turned down some AA from the launcher.


Also when using FXAA Injector, does having launcher AA + FXAA Forced through the injector add double the AA or what? A bit confused with launcher graphics settings and the actual SEPERATE exe settings and if its always supposed to be ULTRA in launcher or what? I don't want to unecessarily stress my GPU out. I have a 7970 and notice the game DID get slower because I combined the ENB + the other Realistic Lighting patch...very intense at 1920x1080.

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Can anyone answer this? I was talking about what happens when the launcher also has FXAA , or AA at x8 MSAA or w/e ...if this amps up FXAA too much. I'm very confused if effects combine or what. That's all. I don't want to quadruple AA my game when I didn't need to. Edited by Tnor
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