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Do You Like Skyrim's Combat



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  1. 1. Skyrim's combat: Yay or Nay!

    • I enjoy the combat a lot!!
    • I don't like it at all!
    • It's ok. I guess. It works right?

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Skyrim feels to... general. Idk if that makes any sense but what I mean is that well on one side I think it's cool you can switch up how you want to play but... everything is too similar. I think they should have made gameplay more specific to how you play. I feel annoyed that if I have a mage character I can still slap on some armor a good sword and still be decent. I'd want to suck as a warrior if I was a mage.
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I've enjoyed Skyrim's combat system, mostly how to avoid getting hit as long as possible. Shieldbashing, controlling the range, stepping in to do damage and step out to avoid it. It's especially entertaining to take down a tough enemy who will potentially screw over your day with a single attack from that great hammer.


I'm not saying the combat mechanics of Skyrim are very deep, but if you only mash left mouse button and wait for them to die you've only got yourself to blame.

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Bows aren't the only ranged weapons, dont forget staffs, the f*cking beasts! While I'm slashing the F*CK out of 6 bandits, Lydia has my back by dual weilding 2 of the most dangerous staffs I've found, killing standard human enemies in about 2-3 hits.


Heres an idea though, some1 should make a mod for the "Repeating/Automatic Crossbow" from Berserk. You could slay the sh*t out motherf*ckers with a motherf*cking weapon like that!

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Heres an idea though, some1 should make a mod for the "Repeating/Automatic Crossbow" from Berserk. You could slay the sh*t out motherf*ckers with a motherf*cking weapon like that!


I'd rather see the repeating dart gun that some of the Dwemer automatons use.

lore friendly as well as deadly

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If there was a perfect way to set up combat, either Bethesda would've implemented it into the game, or a mod would've finally done it.

There's plenty of examples of how to improve combat. Even something reminiscent of Assassin's Creed would be an improvement, and that combat system was flawed and repetitive.



as I said before, check out the Mount and Blade demo on steam to see a different take on how melee and mounted combat can be implemented. everything from bare fists through swords, axes, maces, spears, lances, bows, crossbows, javelins and even throwing stones.

most weapons can be used on horseback except for 2 handed weapons and crossbows.


Bethesda really need to license that combat engine for the next Elder Scrolls game.


I would love to see the assassins creed combat engine with the mounted combat of mount and blade. Skyrim is great and all but the combat mechanics are to outdated, it needs at least a locking device im using warzones and i hate how they all pile up and sometimes i do friendly fire and they all turn against me. which at that point i need to reload, unless there's a way to surrender and be forgiven by friendlies. The sneak skill should be like assassins creed where you can just go to a group of ppl and blend in! have your target bext to you and bam hidden blade, squirt, and walk away like i was never there!

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Skyrim vs Oblivion combat.



- Slightly improved vanilla animations than Oblivion, but still pretty crappy. No combat animation replacer mods at this point either

- Killmoves. Oblivion doesn't have matrix-style killmoves, and that mod deadly reflex or whatever it was called had more bugs than an insectologist

- Added sneak damage bonus to all weapons instead of only adding them to one-hand weapons like in Oblivion



- Can't jump attack. What, the f*** was Bethesda thinking. I have not played a single action/adventure game of any genre where the person can't jump attack. I as the gamer can jump and attack (taekwondo), yet a Dragonborn can't. The only plausible and intelligent conclusion was that something went wrong in their coding and they wanted to release the game early

- Can't attack on horseback, but I guess that wasn't possible in Oblivion either without mods

- No way to improve hand-to-hand damage. They might as well remove the ability to punch because aside from occasionally winning 100-gold bets, there's absolutely no use for this function

- Completely broken yield system. Steal a piece of bread and get hacked to pieces since the NPCs and guards refuse to yield. Kill someone right in front of their eyes and they'll yield within a second, or sometimes outright won't respond. Lol

- "Favourites" system instead of hotkey system. This is highly annoying for me, as every time I want to use a spell, I gotta bring up the fav menu, pause the game, then switch out for a spell, then hopefully click the right mouse button (left or right) to use it. Then after using the spell, repeat the same process to bring out the weapon. In Oblivion, all I need to do is press a number key, and done

Edited by Heartcloud
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  • 11 months later...

...It's not going to make your mouth drop every time. No game's combat will.


have to disagree. in arkham asylum & arkham city i constantly reload after dispatching a group of thugs because the fighting is just THAT thrilling. in skyrim, i have to stick to mediocre bows & magic and keep hoping i'll forget how horrible melee is.


I'm glad there are threads like this. First let me say skyrim is a really awesome game and i'm not trying to whine but it just seems like the combat is waaaay behind but is overlooked because of how fun the rest of the game is. Games like Batman arkham asylam show whats possible these days. I don't expect that level from a game like skyrim which has so much other stuff to offer but I do at least want some of the basics like locking on and counter attacks...


and that's just asylum. in arkham city, they took a brilliant combat mechanic and made it even better by adding skills like beatdown.



Everything is better than doing a targeting system... At least with bethesdas combat system I feel like I'm hitting them and doing damage as opposed to watching my character do the fighting because i told him who to attack.


See the immersion difference?


sounds like turn-based combat is not your cup of tea. fair enough.


however, the term targetting system can be a bit misleading. in terms of batman aa & ac, while i'm sure there's a targetting system at work under the hood, you never notice it. it just knows that you want to hit thug 1, then hit thug 9, then dodge thug 6, then hit thug 2, then counter-attack thug 4, then dodge thug 7, then stun thug 3, then counter-attack BOTH thug 5 and 8 at the same time, then hit thug 3 whom you stunned 2 moves ago, etc etc. and that's just basic combat and just the thugs... don't get me started on the special skills (batarangs, grappling hook, takedowns, beatdowns, etc) or the bosses.


So, basically everyone would be immensely happier with Skyrim's combat if you could dodge, attack while riding horses and first person fighting didn't look like a flat hand animation... LOL...

I was thinking Skyrim's melee system needs lunge, dodge, counter, and perhaps weapon skills. Weapon skills would be like "speed break" to lower enemy speed, or an ability like "concussion" where you would disorient the enemy, perhaps 3-hit combos...


3 hits? kind of telling that you can get into the flow of combat in batman aa & ac and pull of 60+ hit combos while fighting 20 enemies at once, while in TES, we're still waiting for a 3 hitter. yikes.



i DO think skyrim is very cool game for what it does well (open world exploration, can look BEYOND BEAUTIFUL with mods), but in terms of combat, it's dull to the max.

Edited by stormofshadow
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