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Dumb question - CTDs with texture mods


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My laptop is a potato, with gt540m 2gb and 8 gb ram.


I have 200 mods, some highly script containing.


Normally game runs between 25- 45 fps. Realizing texture mods don't effect my fps that much, I've gone crazy and installed lot of them.




https://ibb.co/cvmZAy (COMPLETE FULL is Skyrim 2k mod)


As you can see I installed anything I've found and as a miracle, they cost only 2 or 3 fps to me.


But the problem is, I encounter random ctds lot more frequent right now and worse, almost anytime I try to fast travel, it's an instant crush.


Game became a lot better looking and with no performance lost, I really don't wanna let these beauties out of my game.


Is there anyway to solve this? Before the texture rampage my game was running fine so I don't think it's anything else then textures that causing this.


I thank you all in advance.

Edited by SydneyCarton8
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Ok some more questions.


I don't use ENB obviously. If any of the textures contains parallax, would it cause a crush.


I also installed smim and pathed ELFX for smim and vivid landscapes ( Oh yes, I also use ELFX.) So, could it be some kind of a mesh problem?


Ok guess certain areas have specific issues, like whiterun.

Edited by SydneyCarton8
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