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Realm of silence


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In his unconscious state, Mnor'Jium saw images of demons swirl all around him. His mind became blank and all his life experiences seemed to diminish before his own mental eye. He was nothing. He felt nothing; knew nothing. An external and supernaturally extrovert force had taken up everything pertaining to his mind, soul and physicality. He felt time slip from his awareness and understanding, and his existence was now only measured by the only thing he could feel within his void of infinite eons which was an occasional pain so immensely cold that it felt like swords stabbing through all the layers of his flesh. The only time he felt his own flesh; the only time he realized his existence was during these intermittent implosions of dolorous renewal. Suddenly an unavoidable light flowed all around him and a powerful force seemed to sweep him physically out of his introspective state of consciousness. He felt almost as if he was falling in mid air except he could feel himself falling up...

He awoke surrounded by an unfamiliar liquid, but his instincts reacted instantly; he was in a vessel of poison. The poison flowed around him and into his pores and through his gills. Mnor'Jium's first half-conscious thought was surprisingly accurate for its delirium. "Well whoever did this must have been quite a bovine fool." Mnor'Jium took the poison in through his gills, remaining unaffected. He waited a while before he awoke from his slumber. He attempted to push himself up through the poison while remaining still, and found that it was not that far before it surfaced and there was a lid. When he gathered strength, he attempted to push the lid and it fell off easily. It seemed quite rusty and old. He raised himself up until he was standing vertically in the vessel and looked upon stone beds and tables covered in rotting corpses and dead flesh. The room was lit by a couple crude pans of fire and they illuminated a desk with books of alchemy and various other filaments. Mnor'Jium stepped out of the vessel and made sure all of his limbs were attached.

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OT>Welcome to the RP Mnor'Jium but before you could start you should have posted in the sign up sheet with a full description of your character here is a link: http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=67647.And please read the 1st post carefully.To prevent this in the future i will edit the first post of that and this topic a little.Anyway Mnor'Jium in your post there was no interaction with either the realm or any of us,but no worries,our characters will meet in the future (i hope).


IN>Shadow looked at Garrett and Rose.


You two be careful and don't stray too far from us,there is no telling what you might find out there.


*speaks to himself*

I wonder what hit up there?No..It can't be...the Shadow god,it just...can't be.


The demon,shivering,looked carefully at the direction the tall tower was and tried to remember what he saw,aside from the beam of dark power that killed him.


It just..can't be him...

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"first i should show you something, give me your hand" garrett held out his hand and rose pricked his finger with one of her sword's thorns. " now, how many fingers am i holding up?" garrett was about to say three when suddently everything went blurry. he almost fell over. " my sword creates a powerful toxin, it won't kill you and the effect dosn't last for long but, good luck trying to hit me when you can't see anything." the toxin quickly wore off just like she said. "i've taught myself to fight, they never trained me." a little while into training garrett saw two things. she showed promise but... she didn't know most of the basics.
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as garrett and rose fought shadow noticed two people walking towards the group. once he saw the red hair he knew one of them was wildfire. garrett also saw the two approaching. since garrett was closer he could almost clearly see who the other person was. at wildfire's side was a young woman, but it didn't like like shade. he couldn't see her face. as he looked at her trying to see her face he saw her eyes look at him. the second he looked into those violet eyes he was in love. he forgot all about Lily. wildfire looked at the woman and saw her stareing as someone. he followed her gaze as saw garrett. he elbowed the woman. "knock it off. you know he's in love already" the woman just laughed, "oh fine i'll stop". she closed her eyes and garrett snaped out of it. when the two reached the group shadow looked at the woman. "who are you?". " you don't remember me?" the woman was wearing what looked like a red dress but then it started moving. the her wings unfolded away from her body and she closed her eyes again. there was a blinding flash of pink light. once the light died down the woman was gone. shade was standing where the woman once was. shadow wonder why he didn't see it before. "your a demon!" she just laughed " a succubus to be exact"



OOC shade's demon form looks like the succubus in the game 'overlord' she can be seen at

also wildfire's demon form looks like the overlord himself

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A succubus 0_o


What is this pain?!


<splits into two and the part of him that was in love with Lily goes back home>


Now that was weird...but I cant stop thinking about about her, even though I have a moderate immunity to a succubus charms...I guess Im a sucker for eyes. I guess she doesnt know that Im part Devil. Maybe I can work my charm on her...


They dont know that my charm is 2x as powerful as a Incubus.

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Shadow crossed his hands and slowly walked over to Mnor'Jium.The closer he got to the argonian,the more he felt demonic energy.But this energy was not like his,it was...different.He stood right in front of The dark reptilian and spoke in a tone of "no trust":


My name is Shadow.I'm also known as the Angel of Death


The demon's wings suddenly opened in a a graceful way.


I was once an argonian like you but...let's just say destiny had other plans for me.

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Mnor'Jium's eyes widened. He struck a rather insinuating glare at Shadow, and said offensively, "An Argonian I once was... an Argonian I never completely was... an Argonian I will forever be. I stand in my flesh to protect my kin...and... to kill my kyn." Mnor'Jium began to look at everyone else apathetically. His gaze slowly wandered over to the succubus, then away, then he struck another glare back at her. He shook his head in disappointment and sighed, "Is there no one here to kill? How boring."
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Mnor'Jium looks over at Necromancer G and says "I am here to kill my own Kyn. I am only anywhere in which I am fixed to do this." his voice fades off as he quickly gets out a skooma bottle. "I realize I must..." he says, now staring at the succubus. He tips the skooma bottle sideways and not a drip comes out. "Oh no." He says, walking back in fear "That ... succubus... I am succoming to her charms." He steps back and his right arm glows brightly and then breaks off. It lands thumping on the ground and swiftly changes into a spider, quickly scurrying off.
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