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Realm of silence


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OT i have made a small decision.I think ill make Shadow an essential character.I'll still play as him though.Here are some of the changes:




I have all my power back.

I don't die unless necessary.




I don't get to fight a lot.

Mostly i'll just encounter you in the rp.


And other changes:


I now become a major influence on the story (since Shadow is the main character)

I will again become a normal character but at the end of this story,preferably

the final battle with the Shadow god.



And one more thing.I allow you guys to choose on whether I will BE an essential character OR stay a normal one.Either way it's all the same to me.


PS.Don't get any ideas about you guys being essentials too sorry but it gets WAAAY to complicated and i dont want it to be.

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