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Help with editing a mod for personal use.

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Hi, I would like to change the voice of a follower mod, I can't use something like lazy tools because I want a custom voice, so far I've managed to open the files I need in CK and found the option to change the voice to the one I want, but I don't know how to save it, when I try to, it says the .esp is in use and can't be saved, I tried simply making a different .esp and replacing it later but unsurprisingly it didn't work either, I'm not a mod maker clearly, but I imagine it would have to create a folder inside the voices folder to use that voice, but since the original mod uses a vanilla voice that folder doesn't exist, and so, I can't even manually replace the file. Any help will be appreciated, thanks in advance.

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Step 1: You're doing it wrong


You can't just swap the voice files and expect it to work, you can't even just change the voice type in the CK and expect it to work (especially not with a unique voice).

What you want to do isn't something that a novice can just pick up and do. It's also not something that can be quickly explained in writing.


If you still want to make the attempt, there are some tutorials on youtube on how to make unique followers that can tell you what you need to do.

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