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Game freezes while "sharing" inventory with cm companion


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The name about explains it. It started happening when i noticed that one of my partners was wearing a random piece of deadric armor which was weird cuz she was wearing all white leingerie. so i talked to her and went to share and my game zoomed out like her inventory was about to open but nothing happens and the game freezes. Also i noticed that my partner didnt have the sword i had given her ... i forget what its called at the moment but its like #3 or 4 on the top 100 and comes with the lich helm. its like the game tried to replace her sword with the random piece of daedric armor... which changes every time i zone some where (or really any time the game 'loads') . ill try reinstalling the sword but im not sure if thats the problem.



anyone else had this problem?

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I'm just throwing ideas out there, but it sounds like the companion is summoning armor. I have heard of problems with using share on companions using bound equipment.


Just for giggles, see if the armor disappears when your companion is killed. If it is then you do have a nasty conjurer causing problems. I'm not sure how to fix this, I'll look around to see if I can find anything though.


Good luck.

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