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swtor or tera?


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That sounds really tempting, i really like the star wars universe (hell who doesnt), i think ill wait a bit when they have the character transfers ready and update to 1.3 (or did they already updated?) and try it out.

So far i seen the Fatman(pvp) is very populated and the pve Harbinger (not sure if thats the right name), would proly go on the pve server.


1.3 isn't out yet but you can find some general info about it on their forums. Fatman (US) server and tomb of freedon nadd (EU) are only two servers that you will see full next to them, all other servers are pretty much standard or light, meaning half empty. Both of those are PvP servers, i don't think i've seen full PvE server yet, but i might be mistaken.

If you are really interested i can send you an invite, then you will have seven days free trial, i'd just need some general info about you like your name (doesn't say if its your real name or char name) and your email. :smile:

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That sounds really tempting, i really like the star wars universe (hell who doesnt), i think ill wait a bit when they have the character transfers ready and update to 1.3 (or did they already updated?) and try it out.

So far i seen the Fatman(pvp) is very populated and the pve Harbinger (not sure if thats the right name), would proly go on the pve server.


1.3 isn't out yet but you can find some general info about it on their forums. Fatman (US) server and tomb of freedon nadd (EU) are only two servers that you will see full next to them, all other servers are pretty much standard or light, meaning half empty. Both of those are PvP servers, i don't think i've seen full PvE server yet, but i might be mistaken.

If you are really interested i can send you an invite, then you will have seven days free trial, i'd just need some general info about you like your name (doesn't say if its your real name or char name) and your email. :smile:

Hmm i see, not sure if i would go pvp server , not that i wouldnt like it but i kinda like the pve side of mmos more.


Thank you for the offering im still not sure, as i said im still playing aion and now that it has gone f2p and updated to 3.0 its kinda really fun, plus all my friends are there...i might ask them if they arent interested in checking out swtor, though they are kinda into fantasy more...then again star wars are basicaly scifi/fantasy mix hehe.


For now im staying with aion, since i put a lot of time in it, but if anything ill send you a pm, when i feel like i wanna really try out swtor...thanks. :thumbsup:

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I wasn't impressed by TOR. The pvp was unbalanced and buggy and there was a lot of optimisation issues like unexplained low fps and lag (although this was at release, it may have improved by now). The only real feather in TORs cap is the voiced quest dialogue and I found that anything other than the main quests had very little thought or effort put into the dialogue.


Guild Wars 2 has me the most interested atm... it's free to play.

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