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Doors and walls are floating in mid air.


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So, Whilst playing Skyrim, every so often I would come across what seem to be barn doors and walls appear. They always seem to be out of place and always seem to be hovering above another structure.


Below are a couple of photos of the problem, and a photo of the mods I have installed. Thanks for your help.





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Sorry to double post, but I really need help with this.

Could you give us a screenshot of NMM with the plugins tab open so we can see the load order you are using and whic specific files are in use?


Try deactivating (not uninstalling, just uncheck them in your load order.) all the mods, load in a save, create a fresh save, quit to desktop, load the fresh save and save over it. This is a "cleanish" save. Quit to desktop. Load in Clean save and look around to see if those objects are still around.

If they are, something odd may be going on with your default skyrim files.

If they are not, start going through loading the clean save with individual mods enabled and looking for those objects. Keep a checklist so you know which mods you have checked, which still need to be check, and which have the objects floating in them. Even if the objects appear with a given mod, keep going until you are done the list.

This may help you isolate what is causing the problem.

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