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title says it all, but its not slight, its major - i go from 70 to 35 fps when looking in that direction anywhere in the map, so I'm almost positive it is the main culprit. does anyone know of any mods i can use to lower its distance lod or whatever in order to make it less lag inducing? also its worth noting i have a 1080 TI and play with many graphics mods, including an ENB, it might be related to that, but like I said, my frames are fine except when in the outdoor cell and looking at the throat of the world. any help mitigating this even would be greatly appreciated; i have looked around myself and have been unable to find anything. anyway thanks again guys.


You can change the stuff via Skyrimprefs.ini or search for distance or lod mods.


Enb, possible, some presets are not rly balanced(depends). How is your Performance without the enb, +/- the same drops?


Also worth a try, tweaks via the .ini and/or Nvidia Control Panel ,everything up2date? Nvidia, directx from the gamefolder and so on?


But I'm wondering about your FPS.. I also own a 1080 ti (msi gaming x) and have a stable framerate.


What about the rest btw, your specs and resolution?

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title says it all, but its not slight, its major - i go from 70 to 35 fps when looking in that direction anywhere in the map, so I'm almost positive it is the main culprit. does anyone know of any mods i can use to lower its distance lod or whatever in order to make it less lag inducing? also its worth noting i have a 1080 TI and play with many graphics mods, including an ENB, it might be related to that, but like I said, my frames are fine except when in the outdoor cell and looking at the throat of the world. any help mitigating this even would be greatly appreciated; i have looked around myself and have been unable to find anything. anyway thanks again guys.


You can change the stuff via Skyrimprefs.ini or search for distance or lod mods.


Enb, possible, some presets are not rly balanced(depends). How is your Performance without the enb, +/- the same drops?


Also worth a try, tweaks via the .ini and/or Nvidia Control Panel ,everything up2date? Nvidia, directx from the gamefolder and so on?


But I'm wondering about your FPS.. I also own a 1080 ti (msi gaming x) and have a stable framerate.


What about the rest btw, your specs and resolution?



ryzen 1600x oc'd to 3.8 GHz, 16 gb ddr4 3200 MHz, Skyrim installed on an NVMe ssd, etc etc... it definitely doesn't seem to be anything other than my GPU, it is in fact being maxed out... im using the realvision ENB (highest setting). my resolution is 2560x1440. as for without the ENB, last time i played without it was with a 980, but I didn't have an issue... a lot of other mods have changed since then however, i might try temporarily uninstalling it, see what happens...



@ 1440p.. u should get more fps since higher res is up to the gpu. I can easy achieve my 144hz/fps with my ti.


Is it btw a fresh new setup or was the gtx 980 in your ryzen rig before? If so, I would try a clean driver install via ddu in safe mode and re-install the lates driver. It may help.


But also possible caused by mods since they have changed, try it.

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yeah, im easily getting 144 now that my enb is off too, so im pretty sure the enb is the main culprit (unless youre getting 144 with realvision in which case show me your ways xD) anyway, i am still getting a FPS drop when looking at the throat of the world :/ its just not really too noticeable to me without a framecounter without the ENB, unless im really looking for it. anyway, no, i actually got the 1080 ti slightly before the ryzen stuff, and everything is a fresh install since then... so that shouldn't be it. thank you for all this help btw. in the meantime im gonna try a new ENB, ive been meaning to try out caffeine anyhow... lol


Well that sucks, sry.


I don't use realvision, using another enb and changed few things to match my personal taste.


But you could stick to realvision and reduce some demanding effects like dof for example.

Also worth a try, tweaking the ini with the BethIni Tool and via Nvidia Control Panel.


You may also need to tweak some stuff to achieve more than 60 fps (engine related, the physic may goes wild with fps over 60..eh)


Wish I could help more dude.

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